

Psychological Safety

ARIJ solicited the support of an expert specialised in psychology for the clinics for investigative journalists working with ARIJ on investigations. These clinics were different from other psychological clinics given as they were directly connected to the story journalists were working on.

Career Clinics

For the Career clinics, ARIJ started the sessions mid-August with different HR experts. Their work included working with journalists working with ARIJ on investigations. The experts guided the journalists with building their resumes and professional social media profiles.

Physical Safety

ARIJ solicited the support of the Physical Safety experts to give one-on-one clinics for investigative journalists working with ARIJ on investigations. For this component, two sessions were assigned per journalist, depending on the severity and risk of the investigation.

Legal Clinics

The legal clinics were delivered by legal consultants experienced in publication laws. These clinics were the final stage prior to the publication of investigations.

Digital Safety

With the support of ARIJ’s digital experts, sessions were conducted for journalists working with ARIJ on investigations, in-depth reports and podcasts.
