Green Too Can be deadly:
Honey Mesquite Tree

clock icon 02/04/2023

Salam Freihat and Mamdouh Al-Hanahneh

Providing vast expanses of green spaces help absorb the harmful carbon dioxide of the planet and pump oxygen into the atmosphere. Therefore, countries have been working to increase their green areas for their beneficial properties that help efforts to reduce global warming and climate change, and by default removing the threat to societies and their environment. However, such greenery may sometimes be harmful or fatal, and a process that is quite difficult to reverse, as it is costly for society and the state.

This investigation documents the story of the “Honey Mesquite tree”, which is among the ten worst species that are alien to the ecosystem of Jordan, despite those trees’ overwhelming spread in the southern and northern parts of the Jordan Valley, where they have impacted negatively people’s lives, farmers and their water security.

Honey Mesquite trees spread and grow rapidly due to their ability to absorb surface and underground water as deep as thirty metres, rendering some agricultural areas into barren lands.

The Prosopis juliflora tree, common name “honey mesquite”

The scientific name of the honey mesquite tree is Prosopis juliflora, Its journey across the world started from its original habitat in Latin America, in countries like Venezuela and Colombia.

Natural distribution


Cutting down trees

Studies have shown that the Ministry of Agriculture had introduced the Honey Mesquite tree to Jordan between 1950 and 1980, for afforestation and greening purposes, due to its characteristic ability to withstand diseases, heat and water scarcity.

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Sparse or non existent




Environmental experts later were alerted to the dangers of this tree. A study entitled “Prosopis (Prosopis juliflora): Blessing and Bane” has revealed the impact of the spread of the Honey Mesquite tree in India. When this tree is brought to a place other than its original habitat, it can become invasive because it overpowers the native species and outdo them for resources. This type of trees is resilient and could withstand harsh conditions, such as extreme temperatures, high salinity and poor soil conditions. It also hinders the growth of other nearby plants as it spreads, monopolises space and blocks sunlight and nutrients from reaching other plants.

This tree is considered an invasive specie in many countries. The Black Book of Invasive Alien Plant Species of Jordan, (page 4) prepared by GIZ and the National Centre for Agricultural Research, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment classifies the tree among the top of the worst invasive species for the Jordanian environment.

Doctor Maher Tadros is a professor of plant production at the Jordan University of Science and Technology and has been involved in many studies related to the Honey Mesquite tree says that these trees destroy biodiversity, and local species cannot compete with them.

The biggest issue is that these trees have found the right conditions to spread particularly through the northern and southern part of the Jordan Valley areas in particular, doubling their negative impact on the agricultural sector as a whole, since this is the most significant agricultural area of Jordan providing the country with crops throughout the year.

Tadros says that some agricultural lands are no longer suitable for cultivation due to the spread of Honey Mesquite trees saying that, “in the past, farmers would plant tomatoes in some areas. When we asked, they said that this area has been taken over by honey mesquite trees.”

The Law issued by the Ministry of Agriculture

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the law

The head of the Forestry Directorate at the Jordanian Ministry of Agriculture Engineer Khalid Al-Manasir has confirmed that government nurseries have stopped producing Honey Mesquite saplings in recent years and did not deny that nurseries still stocked them as those were the left over from previous years. Al-Manasir stressed that these were precautionary measures awaiting the final classification of the Committee for Biodiversity regarding this plant.

Click to view the documents

Documents showing that the production of Honey Mesquite saplings in government nurseries has stopped since 2020

Apart from the Jordan Valley, investment licenses have been issued to allow the cutting of forest trees throughout the year in private properties, and in some periods only in most regions excluding the Jordan Valley region.

Article (3) on the exclusion of the Jordan Valley area

Al-Manasir adds that getting rid of Honey Mesquite trees altogether has some legal implications as this tree is considered a forest tree protected by regulations and laws that prevent the removal of all types of trees as this constitutes a legal violation. Al- Manasir has pointed out that the committee is due to issue a document confirming that this tree is invasive, and therefore strips it of its protective classification so it can be removed.

The CEO of the Dead Sea Friends Association Zaid Al-Sawalqa says that the association has submitted an investment project to the Ministry of Agriculture proposing the removal of Honey Mesquite trees and substitute it by other local trees such as palm and Washingtonia instead. No response has been received from the Ministry of Agriculture ahead of the publication of this investigation.

Engineer Bilal Quteishat, a delegate of the Ministry of Environment in the National Committee for Biodiversity, says that the Honey Mesquite tree has an impact on biodiversity and on native plants like the tamarix tree in the Dead Sea region. This, in turn, leads to the extinction of some animals like the Dead Sea Sparrow that takes up the tamarix as its home.” He pointed out that the Honey Mesquite tree is not a good environment for this bird, nor is it a habitat where it can build a nest.

When asked about the dangers the Honey Mesquite tree poses to the soil, Quteishat highlighted that in addition to absorbing moisture from the soil, it breaks it up and changes its properties.

Engineer Bilal Quteishat explained that in order to remove the dangers posed by this type of trees, the government nurseries should refrain from producing the Honey Mesquite trees, and cutting some down to conduct some research to see how could we adapt to live with this tree in a way that benefits the ecosystem from its strength and high levels of resistance.

Quteishat has discouraged from resorting to the use of chemicals to eradicate those trees, claiming that traces of chemicals will persist in the soil long after the trees disappearance and could have an impact on unground water. Therefore, removing them will have to be done biologically and in environmentally safe methods.