
Ali Issa, a farmer sprays the weeds that have started to grow among the crops in his farm. He has zero tolerance for this agricultural hazard that impacts the quality of the produce and brings diseases and harmful insects to his crop. The pesticide he uses is very efficient and the results can be noticed within two days from the spraying, but the pesticides he uses are banned internationally, and have only been banned in Lebanon ten years ago.

Fifty years old Issa is from Ras al-Ain area in the city of Tyre, insists on using Paraquat, a pesticide banned by Sweden since 1983, and linked to Parkinson’s disease, but he uses it by virtue of habit, past experience and its proven efficacy over many years. He would not try other pesticides as that could risk him losing an entire crop.

Paraquat, and other similar types have been banned from entering Lebanon, but are still widely used despite their health and environmental risks.

To confirm our hypothesis, we tested some samples of vegetables in laboratories. Descriptive phrases such as “red and juicy tomatoes” and the calls by vendors of “fingerling cucumbers” might be alluring, but appearances can be deceiving and sometimes fatal.

Destination: Destination: Agricultural lands in the seven Lebanese governorates of Baalbek, Hermel, Beqaa, North Lebanon, Akkar, Mount Lebanon, South Lebanon and Nabatiyeh.

The mission: To collect samples of tomatoes and cucumbers to examine pesticide residues in them. These two vegetables were chosen because they constitute 50% of the areas cultivated with vegetables in Lebanon.

Time of year: Summer 2021

Note: The samples were collected from agricultural lands to ensure that the vegetables we collected were produced in Lebanon, and were not imported or designated for export. This means that they are consumed by people residing in Lebanon. We also made sure that the fruits were ripe and ready for harvest, not in the period between spraying or picking. We did not collect any crops that were just sprayed and over which the farmer was waiting for a few days before he could pick them.

76% of tested vegetable samples contaminated

We travelled north first, to the coastal governorates of Akkar, then to Mount Lebanon and South Lebanon. The tomato and cucumber season starts in early spring when humidity is high, and temperatures start to rise. The weather is perfect for these two crops, though not ideal for us, as our car did not have an air conditioning system.

In coastal areas, protected cultivation patterns inside greenhouses prevails, as plastic covered constructions retain heat and raise humidity, especially in winter. Field cultivation is dominant in the inner governorates of Baalbek, Hermel and Beqaa, where the yield there is delayed until the beginning of summer.

The RBML laboratories which are approved by the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture examined a total of 46 samples, 25 of which were tomatoes and 21 cucumbers.

The distribution of the samples over the governorates

Cucumbers Tomatoes

The tests revealed that 76% of the samples were contaminated by pesticides, and only 11 samples out of 46, that is 24%, did not contain residues.

Comparing the results with the latest list of banned pesticides issued by the Ministry of Agriculture in April 2021, revealed that more than half the samples contain residues of banned pesticides in the Lebanese market, some of which have been banned years ago. One fifth of the samples contain high levels of pesticides exceeding the maximum residue limit set by the Lebanese Standards Institution LIBNOR.

In one of the samples those residues from the banned pesticides exceeded the maximum limit by 18 times, and were four times higher than the limit of a non-prohibited pesticide in another case. The World Health Organization classifies this as very hazardous, as it is suspected to affect fertility and cause malformations in the fetus.

Results of the tested samples

52% of the samples contained banned compounds, 20% contained high percentages of pesticides that exceed the internationally permissible rate.

Overall sample results:

tomato and Cucumber icon

Permitted compounds


Banned compounds:


Does not contain pesticide residue



Cucumber icon

Permitted compounds


Banned compounds:


Does not contain pesticide residue



tomato icon

Permitted compounds


Banned compounds


Does not contain pesticide residue


The number of compounds detected in the samples reached twenty, and they include active substances, and nine banned compounds. This means that farmers have been using banned as well as approved pesticides in equal measures, and this is reflected in the availability of those types of pesticides in the market, despite their high costs.

Pesticides’ sources

A questionnaire prepared and distributed by the investigator to 53 farmers from different Lebanese regions showed that 89% of farmers obtain pesticides from Phyto-pharmacies. Forty-seven of them stated that they use pesticides regularly, while only six farmers stressed that they don’t. .

Only 12% of farmers buy pesticides from street vendors, smugglers, or unlicensed stores. In Lebanon licensed pharmacies operating under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture are the main source of the “pesticides chaos.”

The testimonies of the farmers we interviewed during our field tours reveal that they obtain banned pesticides from Phyto-pharmacies, whose owners purposely avoid displaying them openly on the shelves, and keep them hidden in warehouses away from scrutiny.

Where do Lebanese farmers get their pesticides?

Agricultural engineers Vendors and smugglers The Ministry of Agriculture Unlicensed stores Company agents 2% 6% 6% 11% Phyto-pharmacies 6% 89% 100% 0%

Farmers are exposed to toxins

Just like 75% of Syrian refugee children residing in the Beqaa Valley, sixteen-year-old Wissam has been working in agriculture since the age of twelve despite the risks these children are exposed to, including their exposure to pesticides.

Wissam spends many hours in the fields, weeding, harvesting potatoes, growing cucumbers and tobacco. Spraying pesticides is not one of her tasks, but this does not make her immune to their hazards. The supervisor does not allow the labourers usually to leave the field when the pesticides spraying starts, nor does he provide them with protective equipment such as masks, gloves or shoes. Wissam uses a handkerchief to cover her face, nose and mouth, but the pungent smell of pesticides penetrates through and repeatedly gives her symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness, red eyes, nausea and vomiting. The poisoning symptoms do not stop until an antidote is provided at the clinic. .

Preventive measures taken by farmer during spraying

The results of the tested samples have shown that one compound out of nine is banned and is highly toxic, according to the World Health Organization. What is remarkable is that two of the non-prohibited compounds are classified as “severe and high risk.” This raises questions about the Ministry of Agriculture’s decision to allow the import of highly toxic compounds without considering their health and environmental damages. But the ministry defends its decision claiming that those were still in use in the European Union, the United States, Switzerland, Canada and Japan.

The banned compounds detected in the samples

Their numbers, classification and banning date

High risk of toxicity

Moderate risk of harm

Low risk

Not likely to be an acute hazard


Click to view the data

The number of samples that contain the compound: 2

Date it was banned: 2019

The number of samples that contain the compound 4

Date it was banned: 2019

The number of samples that contain the compound: 7

Date it was banned: 2011

The number of samples that contain the compound: 5

Date it was banned: 2020

The number of samples that contain the compound: 2

Date it was banned: 2010

The number of samples that contain the compound: 9

Date it was banned: 2019

The number of samples that contain the compound: 1

Date it was banned: 2019

The number of samples that contain the compound: 1

Date it was banned: 2012

The number of samples that contain the compound: 1

Date it was banned: 2020

The amount used makes the pesticides poisonous

Pesticide expert Doctor Salem Hayyar notes that, “all the used compounds that appeared in the tested samples are traditional pesticides that have been discontinued. I often advised the Ministry of Agriculture to abandon them and to introduce new pesticides because insects or pests have acquired immunity against them… so it has become necessary for farmers to increase the concentration of the pesticides’ dose to increase their effectiveness and often using the same pesticides on a multitude of crops, including tomatoes, cucumbers and other crops.”

Hayyar stresses that pesticides turn into poison if they exceed the permissible levels exactly like medicines for humans. He cites the father of toxicology Paracelsus who said that it is “the concentration of the dose that makes the poison.”

The health effects of pesticides extend beyond the immediate exposure through the skin, mouth, eyes or inhalation which cause poisoning, dizziness and nausea; more serious long-term effects can also occur, including cancer; neurological disorders; and reproductive health problems, such as miscarriages, foetal mutation and weak fertility. This is in addition to chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma. This is a scientifically proven fact and not debatable, but it is dependent on the amount of pesticide and the duration of exposure.

The health effects of pesticides extend beyond the immediate exposure through the skin, mouth, eyes or inhalation which cause poisoning, dizziness and nausea; more serious long-term effects can also occur, including cancer; neurological disorders; and reproductive health problems, such as miscarriages, foetal mutation and weak fertility. This is in addition to chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma. This is a scientifically proven fact and not debatable, but it is dependent on the amount of pesticide and the duration of exposure.

Banned compounds detected in the samples

Their uses, health and environmental impact

The classification of the compound as a carcinogen


May be

Not likely to be

Has been proven not to be


Click to view the data:










The classification of the compound as a carcinogen: It is probably carcinogenic

Definition of the pesticide: This is a non-systemic insecticide used against spiders in apples, almonds, grapes, citrus, figs, cucumbers, potatoes and beans.

Impact on humans and the environment: It causes severe eye damage and irritation and has been classified as carcinogenic after causing fatal tumours in the intestines of both male and female rats. It is highly toxic to aquatic life and leaves long-term effects.

The classification of the compound as a carcinogen: It is probably carcinogenic

Definition of the pesticide: This is a systemic fungicide that is absorbed by the roots and permeates to the leaves and flowers. It is used for the treatment and prevention of fungal diseases on vegetables, field crops, fruit trees and decorative plants as well as ornamental bulbs before planting them. It is one of the pesticides that was banned in 2016, by Resolution No. (1048), then cleared for use in 2017, then banned again in 2019.

Impact on humans and the environment: It may adversely impact fertility or harm the foetus and poses the risk of reproductive toxicity. It causes organ damage through prolonged or repeated exposure and may cause long-term adverse effects to aquatic life, that is long-term risk to the aquatic environment.

The classification of the compound as a carcinogen: It may be carcinogenic

Definition of the pesticide: This is a systemic, curative and preventive fungicide used against many fungal diseases affecting grains, fruit trees, vegetables and decorative plants.

Impact on humans and the environment: It may adversely impact fertility, harm the foetus and cause genetic defects, such as risks of genetic mutations in human embryonic stem cells. It is highly toxic to aquatic life and may leave long-term effects.

The classification of the compound as a carcinogen: It may be carcinogenic

Definition of the pesticide: This is a systemic fungicide with a curative and preventive effect that is absorbed by the leaves and roots and permeates the plant tissues. It is used to fight powdery mildew and spots in grains, vegetables and fruit trees. It is one of the pesticides that was banned in 2016 by Resolution No. (1048). Then, it was allowed in 2017 until it was banned again in 2019.

Impact on humans and the environment: It may harm fertility or the foetus and poses the risk of reproductive toxicity, which may cause harm to breastfeeding babies. It is toxic to aquatic life and may leave long-term effects.

The classification of the compound as a carcinogen: It is not likely to be carcinogenic

Definition of the pesticide: This is a systemic insecticide that fights many sucking, piercing and some chewing insects in a number of crops and is used in soil and foliar spray.

Impact on humans and the environment: It is severely toxic to bees and impacts them through dust, pollen and nectar. Less than a nanogram of this toxic substance causes the bee to fail in returning to the hive without causing immediate death. This is the primary cause of colony collapse disorder and the main reason for its ban by the European Food Safety Authority. It is highly toxic to aquatic life and may leave long-term effects.

The classification of the compound as a carcinogen: It is not likely to be carcinogenic

Definition of the pesticide: This is a systemic insecticide that fights many sucking, piercing and some chewing insects in a number of crops and is used in soil and foliar spray Impact on humans and the environment: It is severely toxic to bees and impacts them through dust, pollen and nectar. Less than a nanogram of this toxic substance causes the bee to fail in returning to the hive without causing immediate death. This is the primary cause of colony collapse disorder and the main reason for its ban by the European Food Safety Authority. It is highly toxic to aquatic life and may leave long-term effects.

The classification of the compound as a carcinogen: It is not likely to be carcinogenic

Definition of the pesticide: It is one of the causes of endocrine disruption: It mimics and enhances the effect of the female hormone oestrogen and causes reproductive and developmental damage to humans and animals, such as delaying sexual maturity, especially in males.

The classification of the compound as a carcinogen: It has not been proven to be carcinogenic

Definition of the pesticide: This is a non-systemic insecticide used against locusts and other insects.

It is highly toxic to aquatic life and may leave long-term effects.

The classification of the compound as a carcinogen: It has not been proven to be carcinogenic

Definition of the pesticide: This is a non-systemic insecticide used on crops, animals, in buildings and elsewhere to kill a number of pests. It belongs to the same chemical group as sarin, an organophosphate group known to have a devastating effect on the nervous system.

Impact on humans and the environment: Exposure to this pesticide is associated with neurological effects, developmental and immune system disorders. It causes changes in the brain structure of children and affects their cognitive and behavioural abilities.

Source: The US Department of Health’s open Database on Chemicals, US Environmental Protection Agency List of Carcinogens.

Pesticide Mafias

Dr Nada Ni’meh, vice president of “Lebanon Consumer”, an organisation that defends consumers rights, says, “Food and environmental pollution is a major reason for the increase in cancer cases in the country.”

The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Cancer Research stated that in 2020, Lebanon ranked third in the number of cancer cases relative to the size of its population in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. .

In 2003, “Lebanon Consumers” organization started a campaign to reduce the use of pesticides in cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Ministry of Agriculture. Ni’meh regretfully says that after eighteen years “there is no progress because the Lebanese leadership has not done anything so far. All the recommendations we listed in our meetings with the Ministry of Agriculture or with the Parliamentary Agricultural Committee failed.” The entities that obstructed solutions are the “drug mafias'' as Ni’meh describes them, or “the merchants and people from the legislative and executive authorities who help them.”

The leadership is at the service of merchants

Towards the end of 2017, the former Minister of Agriculture Ghazi Zuaiter issued a decision to allow the re-import of eighteen out of thirty-six pesticides that the former Minister of Agriculture Akram Chehayeb and Minister of Health Wael Abu-Faour had banned under decision No. (1048/1), issued on June 13, 2016. The first item of the resolution explained that the pesticides “are linked to cancer and pose a danger to pregnant women.”

Zuaiter justifies his decision by explaining that these pesticides “are still registered and used in several (so-called) reference countries. There are no alternatives to some of them in fighting some diseases and insects, which caused a problem for farmers, increased the cost of production and may be a reason why they resorted to smuggling.”

Ni’meh does not find this explanation convincing as she believes that what happened raises questions about the justification for bringing these substances back into Lebanon after they were banned for more than a year during which farmers were able to manage without them. She adds, “If they are banned even in only one country, it is enough for us not to use them at all.”

Questions also arise about the validity of decision taken by the two government ministers Chehayeb and Abu-Faour, which gave a one-year grace period to use the carcinogenic pesticides covered in Resolution (1048). Fourteen days later they issued joint decision No. (1202/1) to exclude shipment of pesticides that had already arrived at the port of Beirut from the ban, as they were in transit when the decision has taken effect.

The story does not end here, in 2016, the Association of Importers and Traders of Agricultural Production Supplies in Lebanon appealed to invalidate these two decisions before the Highest State Council (or Shura). The Association claimed that “the harm and danger of the pesticides subject to the two decisions have not been proven.” The association’s presidency said in a statement that it “objected to the fact that the Phyto-Medicines Committee was not considered as it is the entity concerned for making decisions on the trade of plant medicines.”

To verify the association’s claim, we cross checked them with those of the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) list of carcinogens. 32 of the 35 compounds covered by the decision (with one compound not on the list), were classified as likely to or may cause cancer. According to The US Department of Health’s open Database on Chemicals, eleven compounds cause fertility problems and harm to foetuses. Despite this, on March 8, 2018, the Lebanese Shura Council repealed the decisions of the ministers of agriculture and public health on the pretext of “overstepping the association’s authority and violating the core principles stipulated in laws and regulations.”

The flip-flopping in decisions did not end here, as at the beginning of 2018, the enforcement of Zuaiter’s decision was suspended until an independent scientific committee of experts could complete the study and evaluation of the active ingredients. To date such committee has not been formed.

“Legal” smuggling

Akkar and the Baalbek-Hermel governorates had the highest percentages of samples that contain banned compounds with 29% and 25%, respectively. They are also the two governorates that share a long border with Syria, with 5 official crossing points, and 124 illegal crossings used mainly for smuggling fuel, merchandise, contraband and pesticides.

Percentage of samples that contain banned substances by governorate

Data collected from newspapers since 2010, points to the massive volume of seized goods at legitimate crossings, including the port of Beirut, as shipments still make it into the country. On July 19, 2019, former Minister of Interior Elias Abou Saab said, “The vast majority of smuggling takes place through the legal crossings, illegal crossings are not all used for smuggling goods, as many of these are used for smuggling people on foot.”

A smuggler who refused to reveal his identity says, “Many of the banned, adulterated or expired plant chemicals enter Lebanon legally.” Imported shipments of chemical for agriculture are registered and conform to specifications on paper, but in reality they are “loaded” with prohibited or spoiled ones, so customs control and the Ministry of Agriculture’s cannot detect them since these are relatively small quantities compared to the large quantities in the shipment – that is if we exclude the hypothesis that some officials are not implicated in the process.

Merchants sell banned products openly

Pesticide containers fill up the shelves like any other products and within access to everyone in the agricultural tools department of one of the well-known shopping malls in the southern suburbs of Beirut. A customer holds a package in his hands and seems confused. He asks another customer whether the pesticide he is holding is effective against cockroaches in the house. That customer suggests another type, which the client purchases and proceeds reassured by the other customer’s advice.

Little does he know that the pesticide he bought contains three of the four banned active ingredients as listed on the package, like Cypermethrin which was banned in 2018, Diazinon was banned in 2016, and DDVP was banned in 2011. The last one is classified as “high-risk” by the World Health Organization.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer, and the US Environmental Protection Agency classify all these compounds as “likely to, or may cause cancer.” The classification of Diazinon was based on strong evidence that it causes damage to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or chromosomes.

The label on the container purchased by the same customer says that it was “Made in Germany”, but there was no reference to the manufacturer or importer. The same is true for other products containing compounds no less dangerous than those mentioned above, such as Chlorpyrifos or Methomyl, even though decision (92/1) of May 20, 1998 obligates companies to include the name and address of the manufacturer and the name and address of the importer on the label, subject to legal prosecution.

One container names only the importing company as (NM) and is registered as No. (3374). After cross checking the official list of companies, we found no entry in that name. To confirm this, we addressed our queries to Lama Haydar, the head of department of phytopharmacology at the Ministry of Agriculture, who confirmed that the ministry registers companies by their names and addresses and does not give them a registration number. She stressed that this product must have been smuggled in and that the institution that sells these medicines is not licensed. Therefore, it has no right to trade in phytopharmacology without a license.

Haydar sent the ministry teams with security support to inspect the store, and the goods were seized, a violation report was filed and referred to the Public Prosecution. The store owner pledged not to dispose of the pesticides himself, and to keep them stored in his warehouses or transfer them to the warehouses of the Ministry of Agriculture at his own expense, so they can be destroyed.

Lebanon is not equipped to dispose banned and hazardous substances and relies on joint projects implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to destroy them outside Lebanon periodically.

A source in the Ministry of Agriculture says that he had confiscated banned pesticides ten years ago, storing them in the warehouses of the Ministry’s laboratory in Kfarshima, south of the capital Beirut, where they remain today. Haydar confirms that a new project is being readied with FAO, to collect banned pesticides to be destroyed outside Lebanon.

Two months later, we visited the same store selling banned pesticides to ensure that it complied with its previous commitments, only to discover that it was still displaying pesticides that contains prohibited substances.

How do pesticides affect agricultural exports?

In November 2021, Qatar banned some Lebanese agricultural exports from entering its territories due to “the high percentage of pesticide residues, such as E. coli bacteria and lead,” according to a statement by the Qatari Ministry of Health. The United Arab Emirates had banned all kinds of Lebanese apples imports in a decision issued in 2017, and remained in effect until June 2021. In 2019, Egypt announced the suspension of a shipment of 700 tonnes of apples for the same reason despite the fact that half of Lebanon’s exports of apples go to Egypt.

Data from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) reveal that a quarter of the cases of rejection of Lebanese agricultural exports of vegetables to the United States and the European Union between 2010 and 2018 were due to pesticides. The organization’s website does not provide information about other countries, especially Arab countries, to which Lebanon exports to.

We requested similar data from the Investment Development Authority of Lebanon (IDAL), which supports and promotes Lebanese produce abroad, but we did not get a response when we visited their offices, nor after we forwarded our questions via e-mail as directed.

Reasons for rejecting Lebanese exports of vegetables by the United States and the European Union

More than 25% of rejection at the border is due to pesticide residues in exported vegetables

أسباب رفض الصادرات اللبنانية من الخضار

Data from the Lebanese Customs Administration show that there has been a decline in agricultural exports in recent years. Despite a small improvement in 2020, data not yet issued by the Customs Administration expects further decline in 2021, due to the Qatari and Saudi decision to ban entry of Lebanese fruits and vegetables to their markets or their transit through their territories, because shipments have been used as cover for smuggling drugs. This is a strong blow, since Lebanon used to export half of its agricultural produce to Gulf Arab countries.

Lebanese agricultural exports

After a period of decline, agricultural exports improved in 2020, with a change rate of 47%; however, it is expected to decline again due to the decisions of the Gulf Arab countries to boycott Lebanese produce.

Lebanese agricultural produce exported to the European Union do not exceed 4% of the total output, despite the fact that sixteen years have lapsed since signing the partnership agreement with the EU, whereby Lebanon obtained a complete exemption from customs imposed on its agricultural products. But according to a 2015 study prepared by the Centre for Economic Studies at the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Beirut and Mount Lebanon, “Lebanese farmers’ use of banned pesticides and fertilizers in Europe,” has kept the export to Europe minimal.

The share of some groups of countries of the total value of agricultural exports

The average value of agricultural exports to Arab countries is 90%, and the share of Gulf Arab countries is 56% while exports to the European Union does not exceed 4%.

Health is not a priority, and it takes two to tango

Ni’meh explains that “this status persists because of a flaw in the chain of control of agricultural pesticides and their use by farmers. The world now has systems like Good Agricultural Practices, (GAP), that set the time and the quantity a farmer must spray each crop in a way that maintain their safety.” Ni’meh adds, “In Lebanon, the farmer is left to his own devices. In all other countries the state shadow farmers’ every step to help the agricultural sector as a whole and help develop the country.” She says, “Now, we are in dire need to preserve food security; we need to even cultivate any piece of land because the cost of import has become high due to the economic crisis.”

The farmers’ responses to our questionnaire confirm Ni’meh’s observations, as more than 80% of farmers stated that no one from the Ministry of Agriculture has visited them during the past year or even during the last five years for the purpose of supervision or guidance. Only three of them reported that they had received guidance on the use of pesticides from the ministry, while the rest have stated that they learned how to use pesticides through practical experience, agricultural engineers, pesticides merchants, or agricultural associations.

Where did farmers get instructions on using pesticides?

28% of farmers said they did not receive instructions from any entity and that they learned from experience


Click to view the data

farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon

3 Advisors from the Ministry of Agriculture

farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon

4 Training sessions conducted by private societies, and companies from the agricultural sector.

farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon

12 pesticides merchants or distributors

farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon

13 No instructions received and learned from experience

farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon farmer icon

20 Agricultural engineers

In the spirit of giving the Ministry of Agriculture the right to reply to our findings, as it is legally responsible for instructing farmers, examining residues in produce, and monitoring Phyto-pharmacies, we sent a letter to the Minister of Agriculture Abbas Hajj Hassan. To date we did not receive a response. In addition to the Ministry of Agriculture, there are seven ministries assigned with the task of monitoring the safety of food in Lebanon. To avoid the clash between them, the Food Safety Law was approved whereby the Lebanese Food Safety Authority was formed. Article (29) states that this entity is responsible for monitoring food safety, including monitoring the use of pesticides as well as coordinating among ministries. The head of the authority was appointed in 2018, but its board of directors has not been appointed to this day as required by Article (32) of the law. Therefore, the enforcement of this law has been pending seven years after its issuance. .

Who is obstructing the process of forming the authority? Its president Doctor Elie Awad says, “This issue has not been a priority for the successive governments since 2018, and the ministries concerned with food safety consider the formation of the authority a check on their powers.” He explains that it did not operate because the government did not complete the appointment of the board of directors, and “it takes two to tango.” He concludes with, “It is now necessary to sound the alarm.”