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ARIJ Digital Security Toolkit

Safe Web Browsing tips and tools

Use our recommended browsers only when browsing the web on all devices

Use the private search engines below:

Check for the lock symbol and related URL containing “https”; this simply mean that the connection between your web browser and the website server is encrypted, which is important. It prevents others from eavesdropping or intercepting your communication between your browser and the website's server. You can use tool below for checking:

Block third-party trackers, third-party trackers are invisible snippets of code that are present on many websites. They collect and send information about your browsing history to other companies, often for advertising purposes. If the same third-party tracker is present on multiple sites, it can build a more complete profile about you over time. ARIJ recommends these block apps/tools

Keep your browser up-to-date, the most important reason to keep your browser up-to-date is to keep your computer safe and secure, protecting you from identity theft, phishing attacks, viruses, trojans, spyware, adware, and other sorts of malware. Many browser updates are issued to combat just these problems.

Use incognito, when you surf the web incognito, your browser doesn't save your browsing history, cookies, site data or information you enter in forms. To use click ( ctrl+shift+n/ cmd+shift+n)

Clear your browser cookies, when you use a browser, like Chrome, it saves some information from websites in its cache and cookies. Clearing them fixes certain problems, like loading or formatting issues on sites.
