Litigation Authorisations:

The Association’s Obstacle for Lawyers and Litigators

The Story of the Trainee Lawyer

Ohood Mohsen

Permission (Promo)

The lawyer, Faris Al-Asha, encountered Article 62 in 2018 when the President refused to grant him permission to litigate against a case led by a trainee lawyer.

Al-Asha sought to file a criminal complaint in a case of fraud and dishonesty, supported by data and documents proving the validity of the complaint. However, the President of the Bar Association, Irsheidat, refused to grant permission to file the complaint in its penal part and accepted the rights related part of it.

He refused to provide an explanation since “the reasons were too complex to get into.”

Criminal lawsuit: This is a part of general legislation, whether of the Penal Code or the Criminal Procedure Code. It regulates relations between individuals and the state.

Civil lawsuit: This is part of the private law that regulates relationships among individuals, as is the case in Civil Law and the Personal Status Law.

The complainant says that the rejection of the penal part of the case weakened his case and “made it lose its essence and the support of evidence. Both the criminal and the rights parts are linked and complement one another in establishing the facts and assessing the extent of the damage.”

The practicing lawyer was forced to “file a personal complaint and issue a decision preventing his opponent from traveling and brought in the guarantor who signed the promissory notes.”

Al-Asha complains that withholding the litigation permission “weakened the case and made it lose its essence. It resulted in a meager financial settlement that did not exceed a quarter of the real claim value.”

Moreover, “the actual perpetrator escaped punishment and was granted immunity to proceed in the path of deceit, and this is an insult to lawyers and an infringement of the Constitution.”

According to an electronic statement issued by the Companies Control Department, the trainee lawyer was pairing his training as an attorney with work in trade. He was traveling from Jordan, to Saudi Arabia and to Ukraine. This is a clear violation of the law of the Bar Association, which requires the member to be available full-time.

The facts of the case show that the trainee lawyer violated Article 11 on training conditions.

A trainee lawyer is not entitled to use the description of “lawyer” without appending it to the word “trainee,” or to take up an office, or to have his name displayed on a sign. Violators of this law would have their training extended for a period of no less than one year. If the case gets transferred to law professors, the violator shall be subject to one of the penalties stipulated in Article 63 of this law.