September 4, 2024
A short documentary film (15-mins) which shares the harrowing story of displacement during a genocidal war from the unique perspectives of three different generations of Palestinian artists. Entrapped in the thrashes of escaping constant bombardment, the artists seek shelter in Rafah and live to tell the tale. The short film reflects the plight of the human heart and intentionally omits scenes of physical brutality and violence which have tragically become too often correlated with storytelling on Gaza. The cameraman and producer symbolize the grim reality that every being in Gaza endures, sharing with the world the relentless spirit of the Palestinian struggle for freedom.
This investigation is published in Arabic on the following websites: Alyaoum24 | Almaydan24 | Nukhbeh Post | Zaiocity | Yemen Future | Ahewar | مقهى الخطيب الثقافي | Muwatin
This investigation is published in English on: Middle East Monitor | Al-aalem