
"Investigative Data journalism"

ARIJ believes in the value of promoting data journalism in the Arab world; therefore, the network partnered with the International Center for Investigative Journalists (ICFJ) in 2020 and launched an advanced diploma program in data journalism. The diploma lasted six months. Nineteen journalists from various Arab countries were trained on all the stages of working on a data-based investigation, starting with concepts and principles of data journalism. The topics also covered data sources and how to collect, edit, clean, analyze and visualize data in addition to training on writing stories.

The great success of the diploma program in the first edition prompted ARIJ to repeat the experience and to offer a second edition in 2021: Sixteen Arab journalists received training on data journalism for a period of six months as well. The graduation of both cohorts marked the launch of data journalism pioneers into the Arab world.

Trainees: 35 male and female journalists

The first edition of the diploma program
male journalists
female journalists
from 8 Arab countries, including Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Yemen.
The second edition of the diploma program
male journalists
female journalists
from 5 Arab countries, including Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Palestine and Egypt.

Diploma team:

  • Amr Eleraqi: the main trainer in both editions.
  • Saja Mortada and Ethar Al-Azem: co-trainers in the second edition.
  • Mohamed Komani: the coordinator of both editions.

  • 24 June 2018
    Hager Hesham

    Egypt’s youth centers don’t cater for female athletes

    This data-driven investigation documents how sports centres in Egypt neglect women, which causes them to be unable to practice sports activities in them, especially for those under 18 years old.
    View the investigation now
    24 June 2018
    Loay Hisham and Moataz Sayed

    Water in Egypt: The Glass is Half Empty

    By using open source data, the investigators document how the mismanagement of drinking water facilities in Egypt has led to a decline in the share of water per individual. They also show how this has led to an increase of those deprived of water or have minimal access to it.
    View the investigation now
    24 June 2018
    E'thar Alazem

    The Desert Highway Claiming Jordanian Lives

    This data-driven investigation documents the role of freight transport vehicles in the occurrence of accidents, especially fatal ones, on the Desert Highway in Jordan between January 2017 and November 2020, during which the Desert Highway Rehabilitation Project was implemented. The investigation also covers the factors that may be linked to the increased risk of the presence of these vehicles on this highway, such as maintenance work, transfers, and mixing of trucks with small vehicles.
    View the investigation now
    12 December 2020
    تحقيق: سجى مرتضى ونور مخدر

    جمهوريّة الخوف من 'بوست' كيف تخنق السلطة اللبنانيّة حرية التعبير على السوشيل ميديا؟

    يوثق تحقيق 'جمهورية الخوف من بوست' المدفوع بالبيانات، ارتفاع نسبة الاستدعاء والتحقيق لناشطين وصحفيين ومواطنين في لبنان بسبب التعبير عن رأيهم السياسي والاجتماعي والاقتصادي والديني في منشورات على السوشيل ميديا خلال السنوات الأخيرة، خاصة خلال عامي 2019 و2020 اللذان شهدا حراكاً شعبياً وأزمة اقتصاديّة وسياسيّة حادة.
    View the investigation now
    24 June 2018
    تحقيق: سالي عبد الحق و سها كامل

    الإسرائيليون ينعمون بمياه الفلسطينيين ويبيعونهم بدلا عنها مياها معدنية ملوثة

    يوثق التحقيق المدعوم بالبيانات أن العجز المائي في الضفة الغربية وصل إلى 58 مليون متر مكعب، كما كشفت فحوصات لعينات من مياه 'عين جدي' الإسرائيلية التي تباع في فلسطين وجود تلوث ونسب بكتيريا آكثر من النسب المسموح بها، وهو ما يؤثر سلبا على صحة الإنسان عند شرب مياه بكميات كبيرة.
    View the investigation now

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